Venta de parcelas Acceder


Zalia Junta de accionistas

Zalia receives a request to reserve 130,000 m2 of land for industrial development and tenders the modification of its special plan to facilitate the implementation of strategic projects.


The Asturias Logistics Activity Zone (Zalia) has received a request to reserve 130,000 square meters of land, subject to confidentiality, for the development of new strategic industrial projects. The interest expressed confirms the potential of Zalia as a logistics hub for key and emerging industries. This space will contribute to fostering economic development and job creation through the implementation of key industrial, logistics and technological projects for Asturias, while ensuring environmental sustainability.

El Principado participa en el mayor foro europeo de logística y transporte para situar Zalia como polo logístico del Cantábrico

The Principality participates in the largest European logistics and transport forum to position Zalia as a logistics hub in the Cantabrian Sea.


The Principality is taking part in the International Logistics and Transport Exhibition in Barcelona, where the latest developments in the sector are on display, to promote the Logistics and Industrial Activities Zone (Zalia) as a strategic element for turning Asturias into a logistics hub for the Cantabrian Sea.

Zalia fase 1

Zalia finalises the marketing of plots and opens a consultation channel via its website for interested companies


The Asturias Industrial and Logistics Activities Zone (Zalia) is finalising the details to start the marketing process for the 60 plots of the first phase in June. To this end, the company has made a direct contact channel available to interested companies through its website, where they can detail their specific needs from a town planning, functional and logistical point of view.

Junta de accionistas ZALIA

The Government of Asturias plans to start marketing more than 707,000 square metres of industrial land in Zalia in June.


The Government of Asturias plans to start marketing more than 707,000 square metres of industrial land in the Asturias Industrial and Logistics Activities Zone (Zalia) in June. The general meeting of shareholders held today approved the re-founding of the company, which will enable the sale of the 61 plots available in the first phase to begin.