Venta de parcelas Acceder

About us


Zalia, S.A. is a company with entirely public capital that was set up in 2005 as an instrument to carry out one of the major strategic projects of the Asturias of the future: to position the Principality as a fundamental axis of the Atlantic Arc by promoting logistics activity as a key factor of competitiveness with the creation of an important industrial area in Asturias with multimodal connections.

This aspiration has materialised in the promotion in Asturias of a large logistics platform in the form of an industrial estate with a surface area, currently in the marketing period, of more than 700,000 square metres in the first phase of its development, with up to three more phases planned. The aim is to establish a defined framework in which companies can join forces, share spaces and ideas, optimise resources, cooperate and overcome the common challenge of incorporating Asturias into the network of logistics spaces on the Iberian Peninsula.

Corporate values

Innovation and quality

Our capacity to develop, to imagine and to create has its consequence in our commitment to permanent innovation with the aim of achieving the highest quality goals.


Our vocation is to develop a project that respects the environment, that is committed to energy efficiency and that has a long-term projection that contemplates the recovery of the space.

Competitiveness, agility and efficiency

Winning the future is only possible by being competitive in all our approaches, working to be the most agile and the most efficient, generating benefits for our customers and for our shareholders.

Commitment and leadership

Commitment generates tangible results and benefits. We are committed to our customers, to our suppliers and to society and together we lead this transformational company.

Corporate governance

We will turn every action into an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to citizens, institutions, companies and, in short, to society as a whole. We are convinced that every step we take will be an opportunity to gain their trust.

For Zalia, corporate social responsibility is a short, medium and long-term commitment that takes the company to the highest standards. As part of this strategic approach, at the start of our activities we defined two main areas of action: social and environmental.


In the social area in particular, Zalia has determined that innovation must be one of the pillars on which it will develop its aspiration to become a leading logistics platform in the European Atlantic Arc.

For us, innovation has a strategic value in the medium and long term, which is why our commitment to technological innovation will be one of the strategic objectives of our commitment to society and companies. In this sense, we will promote and participate in projects and initiatives that represent an advance in the commitment to innovation in our sector of reference and in those others with which we have a more direct relationship.


Protecting and respecting the environment will benefit our surroundings. In this sense, and as we have demonstrated, our commitment to respect for the environment is the utmost in all the activities in which we participate and, especially, in those in which we have direct decision-making capacity. We therefore have the will to promote projects and initiatives that will improve our environmental reality.

Global Compact

Zalia, together with companies around the world, adheres to the principles reflected in the United Nations Global Compact.

Principles of the Global Compact